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The Audacity of Hope
The Audacity (大胆) of Hope is the title of a book written by Barack Obama(奥巴马),the newly elected(当选)president of the United States.It is an unusual title because he uses the word “audacity”.In the (85) ,Obama says that many Americans have stopped hoping.He thinks that the big problems in the world have made people feel hopeless.He thinks that many people (86) that their lives and the world will get__(87)____,not better.But,in the book,he says we should all be brave,have the “audacity”,to hope:to believe that these big problems can be solved and (88) lives will get better.It’s a very important message.The word “hope” has a couple of (89) .It can be a “wish” about something:I hope I can pass the exam.I hope I don’t get the flu.But it also has a bigger meaning.To hope is to believe in the future.It’s to believe that life is hopeful.We can sometimes have some problems.We may feel that our problems will (90) end and that life isn’t happy.At these times,we should not lose hope.Last May,there was an earthquake in Sichuan and it (91) many things.Towns and villages disappeared.Many people died,many were homeless.And so many young children injured.The people in Sichuan did not give up hope.They have started to rebuild the broken towns.The children have returned to school.They have showed their great courage (勇气),even “audacity”.They are a great example of the power and importance of hope.
A) speech B) meeting C) book D) message
A) decide B) feel C) know D) hope
A) worse B) bad C) badly D) worst
A) our B) their C) your D) his
A) names B) letters C) changes D) meanings
A) always B) never C) still D) soon
A) developed B) described C) destroyed D) designed
1C; 2B ;3A 4A 5D 6B 7C
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