早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
how to reduce corruptiong in civil government
you can base on the outline given below:
1)list some signs of government corruption ;
2)state the seriousness of phenomenon;
3)the measures(steps) taken to combat them.
you can base on the outline given below:
1)list some signs of government corruption ;
2)state the seriousness of phenomenon;
3)the measures(steps) taken to combat them.
The Role of civil society in fighting corruption
Civil society encompasses the sum total of those organisations and networks that lie outside the formal state apparatus.Civil society as a concept thus includes,but is broader than,NGOs.
Civil society organisations gain their legitimacy from promoting the public interest without,however,pursuing personal profit (like the private sector) or positions of political power (like political actors such as parties).Since civil society is typically the major victim of corruption in government,it has a vested interest in addressing it.
Yet at the same time,civil society can also be the reason for failure of anti-corruption efforts to produce tangible results,as illustrated by the concept of the national integrity system,whereby the so-called 'pillars of integrity',i.e.those institutions and organisations that work together to increase integrity in public life,rest on the foundations of society's values,people's acceptance of corruption as a fact of life needs to be addressed first if corruption within a political system is to be curbed in a sustainable fashion.
Civil society as a whole,its attitudes and its values,is thus essential to the fight against corruption.
The role of civil society in the anti-corruption field is basically fourfold:
Civil society can act as a watchdog on government action
Civil society organisations can be instrumental in educating the public of their rights and duties
Civil society can be a motor for change
Civil society organisations can act as service provider in areas where (corrupt) governments fail to deliver
For the purpose of this query,we are going to focus on the roles of watchdog,education and motor for change only,since the role of civil society organisations as alternative service providers is only a temporary solution and does not contribute to reforming a corrupt political system.
For a more detailed discussion of the national integrity system,as well as an illustration of the integrity pillars,please refer to Chapter 4 in Combating Corruption:The Elements of a National Integrity System (TI Source Book 2000),by Jeremy Pope
Civil society encompasses the sum total of those organisations and networks that lie outside the formal state apparatus.Civil society as a concept thus includes,but is broader than,NGOs.
Civil society organisations gain their legitimacy from promoting the public interest without,however,pursuing personal profit (like the private sector) or positions of political power (like political actors such as parties).Since civil society is typically the major victim of corruption in government,it has a vested interest in addressing it.
Yet at the same time,civil society can also be the reason for failure of anti-corruption efforts to produce tangible results,as illustrated by the concept of the national integrity system,whereby the so-called 'pillars of integrity',i.e.those institutions and organisations that work together to increase integrity in public life,rest on the foundations of society's values,people's acceptance of corruption as a fact of life needs to be addressed first if corruption within a political system is to be curbed in a sustainable fashion.
Civil society as a whole,its attitudes and its values,is thus essential to the fight against corruption.
The role of civil society in the anti-corruption field is basically fourfold:
Civil society can act as a watchdog on government action
Civil society organisations can be instrumental in educating the public of their rights and duties
Civil society can be a motor for change
Civil society organisations can act as service provider in areas where (corrupt) governments fail to deliver
For the purpose of this query,we are going to focus on the roles of watchdog,education and motor for change only,since the role of civil society organisations as alternative service providers is only a temporary solution and does not contribute to reforming a corrupt political system.
For a more detailed discussion of the national integrity system,as well as an illustration of the integrity pillars,please refer to Chapter 4 in Combating Corruption:The Elements of a National Integrity System (TI Source Book 2000),by Jeremy Pope
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