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  We often hear people saying the world is getting smaller.They don’t really mean that the world is getting smaller of course.What they mean is that with modern means of transport we can now reach every part of the world very quickly.we can cross from New York to Paris in less than hours in the Concorde( 协和式飞机 )and helicopters( 直升飞机 )can now be used to explore mountains and valleys that were difficult to explore on foot.There used to be a time when many parts of the world had never been seen or visited by foreigners.The great forests of Brazil are so thick that in some places it is impossible to walk through them Mt. Jolmo Lungma the world’s highest mountain was for a long time thought to be too dangerous to climb.But in 1953a new Zealander called Edmund Hillary with his Nepalese (尼泊尔) guide Tenzing reached the top of Mt.Jolmo Lungma and now with huge machines roads are being cut through the forests of Brazil.

  But there was a time when the world was very small.2 300years ago the Egyptians and the Greeks thought that the world looked as it does on this old map.They thought the world was flat and that around it was the ocean Then men began to use ships to explore the world.They found that as they sailed further away from their home countries the world became bigger.And they discovered new countries and the continents that they didn’know about.As they built bigger and bigger ships They were able to sail further and further away.So they had to make new maps to show the countries that they found. Today there are no undiscovered countries left to put on the map but there are many new worlds to discover out in space.

1.“They don’t really mean that the world is getting smaller”means they______.

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A.are not sure whether the world is getting smaller or not

B.don’t know whether the world is getting smaller or not

C.don’t really mean to say that the world is getting smaller

D.really mean that the world is getting bigger 

2.People couldn’t explore some mountains and valleys before because______.

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A.they have not helicopters

B.they have not Concordes

C.the mountains and valleys are dangerous

D.they don’t want to explore the mountains and valleys on foot

3.According to the article which of the following statements is right?______.

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A.Now we can reach the top of Mt.Jolmo Lungma with huge machines

B.Now we can easily go through the forests of Brazil

C.Not all of the places on the maps are discovered by man

D.The world looks flat really

4.______reached the top of Mt.Jolmo Lungma in 1953.

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A.A New Zealander

B.A Greek

C.An American

D.Both A and B

5.Men began to explore the world because they______.

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A.thought the world was flat and that around it was the ocean

B.could make ships at that time

C.thought that possibly there is another country in the world

D.had the maps on which many countries were marked
