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how to increase your work experience
how to increase your work experience
How to Increase Your Working Experience in University
While studying in universities, students are required to make a detailed study of the knowledge in the books. Certainly the academic knowledge is the foundation for future work, but it is not the only thing that students have to acquire. Some working experience is also indispensable for them to adapt themselves to the future occupations. How to increase the working experience without the sacrifice of studies?
Firstly, I think, the students should get mentally and physically prepared for the coming part-time jobs. Secondly, they should widen the scope of choices. Whenever mentioning the part-time jobs, students will inevitably think of tutoring little kids or working in the supermarkets. In fact, there are a lot of other choices, such as working as volunteers for some associations, teaching in some less developed areas, and writing articles for newspapers. Finally, write down promptly what they have learned from work. By doing so, they could have deep impression of that experience and making it really valuable for the future work. In a word, working experience gained while the students are studying in universities will benefit them throughout their lives.
While studying in universities, students are required to make a detailed study of the knowledge in the books. Certainly the academic knowledge is the foundation for future work, but it is not the only thing that students have to acquire. Some working experience is also indispensable for them to adapt themselves to the future occupations. How to increase the working experience without the sacrifice of studies?
Firstly, I think, the students should get mentally and physically prepared for the coming part-time jobs. Secondly, they should widen the scope of choices. Whenever mentioning the part-time jobs, students will inevitably think of tutoring little kids or working in the supermarkets. In fact, there are a lot of other choices, such as working as volunteers for some associations, teaching in some less developed areas, and writing articles for newspapers. Finally, write down promptly what they have learned from work. By doing so, they could have deep impression of that experience and making it really valuable for the future work. In a word, working experience gained while the students are studying in universities will benefit them throughout their lives.
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