Thousands of jobs comes into our Job Centre and Employment Office every week but they get snapped up(抢夺)quickly So although we will shall do all we can to help you it’s important for you to do all you can to help yourself. This passage tells you how.
Registered for workOnce you have registered for work we will match you against available(可获得)vacancies(空缺).You must also register for work at the Job Center in order to claim (demand) unemployment benefit (help).But you actually apply for benefit at the local Unemployment Office.
Getting a job through self—serviceJobs that come in are put on self-service show as soon as possible. Half the people who find jobs through Job Centres and Employment Office find them through self-service. You can call in at any time to look at the jobs shown.
If you want further help with finding a jobIf you want more help or advice don’t forget that’s what we are here for. Our Employment Advisers can help you with things like:
*thinking about the different sorts of jobs you could do and which are best for you.
*jobs available locally or elsewhere
*your suitability for a TOPS training course with a tax-free allowance(津贴)
*grants(补助金)to help you look for and move to work in other parts
Even though you have a clear idea of the sort of job and pay you want you may find that something different will suit you quite well. Keep this in mind when you are talking with the Employment Adviser.
If you don’t find a job on your first visitGo into self-service as often as you can to look at the jobs on show there. Good vacancies are coming in all the time just because you’ve been registered for employment.
If you can’t get to the office easily come in whenever you can’t. It’ll help you to find s job faster if you keep in touch.
1.The purpose of the passage is to .
A.suggest how to get most benefit possible from a certain employment service
B.provide general advice about what to do when you have’ t a job
C.give information about services available for unemployed people to reduce the number of unemployed people
2.The people most likely to get jobs are those who .
A.make use of job information services at the Job Centre
B.regularly ask for help and advice at the Job Centre
C.use their own ideas and common sense in looking for a job
D.register for work immediately when the need arise
3.Unemployment people can actually claim benefit from .
A.the Job Centre
B.both the Job Centre and the Unemployment Office
C.all the Unemployment Offices
D.the local Unemployment Offices
4.When you are talking with the Employment Adviser you’ d better .
A.change your ideas of jobs when necessary
B.stick to your first idea of jobs
C.not talk about payment for work about your own interest
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