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    Liu Chengbi can’t wait to celebrate the Spring Festival. The 14-year-old boy in Beijing wants to see his grandmother in Sichuan. “I am busy with study. I  don’t have time to visit her.” He said.“But during Spring Festival we should be together.

Liu is not alone. Millions of Chinese people work or study away from their hometowns. Most of them are college students and migrant workers(民工).Spring Festival is the most important time for them to see their families. At the end of each year they get ready to go home.

During the 2007 Spring Festival people will make 2.7 billion trips. Are there enough trains or ships?② Last Spring Festival. 4.500 more trains were added. But it was still not enough. Usually a train can hold about 2 000 people. But some trains held almost 5 000!

This year the Government says they will add more trains buses ships and planes.③ Thev want to make sure people can go home safely . College students and migrant workers will have their own special trains.




1.刘(的情况)不是个别现象,数以百万计的中国人离家打工或学习 2.Last spring Festival although 4 500 more trains were added it was still Not enough. 3. They want to make people go home safely.