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    Yang Liwei was born in an ordinary family in Liaoning Province in 1965. he became
a pilot (飞行员) of the Chinese Air Force in 1987. It    1   him five years to become
a spaceman. Yang Liwei was    2    into space by China's Shenzhou Ⅴ spacecraft at 9 a.m. 
  3    October 15th 2003. It moved around the    4   fourteen times. He came back    5    
at 6:23 a.m. The next day making China the    6    country to successfully send a person
into space after the former Soviet Union (前苏联)    7    the USA. Yang Liwei returned to
the earth after a    8    trip to space. In space Yang not only recorded    9    he saw but
also showed China's national flag and the United Nation's flag to the people who watch on
TV at home.
    All of the Chinese people are    10   our first spaceman-Yang Liwei.
(     )1. A. paid      
(     )2. A. sent up   
(     )3. A. for       
(     )4. A. moon      
(     )5. A. careful   
(     )6. A. first     
(     )7. A. and       
(     )8. A. 21 hour   
(     )9. A. nobody    
(     )10. A. proud of  
B. spend     
B. send off  
B. in        
B. earth     
B. quick     
B. second    
B. or        
B. 21-hour   
B. somebody  
B. full of   
C. took           
C. sent away      
C. at             
C. star           
C. slowly         
C. third          
C. but            
C. nothing        
C. nothing        
C. speak highly of 
D. cost                  
D. sent for              
D. on                    
D. ocean                 
D. safely                
D. fourth                
D. then                  
D. everything            
D. everything            
D. lose ourselves in             
1-5 CADBD 6-10 CABDA
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