短文缺词填空(填写完整的单词) (共10分,每小题1分)
In most countries there is a medicine called aspirin (P可斯匹林) .
Nearly everyone takes it. People take it when they have an ache or a pain and sometimes when they have a f 51 ____ Doctors b 52 ____ it can help people with heart diseases and some other diseases too. Some people h 53____ can't take aspirin. It must never be given to c 54____ under 12 years old.
Before aspirin was invented (发明) ,some people made a d 55____ with the bark of the black willow. This drink made their pains and fever go away but no one knew w 56 ____ it helped. Then in the 1830s scientists in England s 57 ____ all the things in the bark of the black willow. They found out what thing in the plant s 58____ pain. Soon people were making m 59 ____ with this pain-stopping thing. Aspirin was first s 60____ in 1899 by the Bayer Company of Germany.
(51) ____ (52) ____ (53) ____ (54) ____ (55)____
(56) ____ (57) ____ (58) ____ (59) ____ (60)____
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