早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
How to improve your English skills
There are many ways to
improve our English skills.We all know the English skills include the
listening、speaking、reading and writing.So if all the four skills had
been improved,the overall English skills will be improved.Firt,to
improve the listening skill,you should listen to more English radio
tapes,English radio programmes and even English songs,You should also
pay more attention to the voice when watching an English movie.The
improvement of the speaking skill needs practice,you should speak some
in or after class with others.Then the improvement of the reading
ability needs large numbers of reading,including reading famous English
books、 newspapers、magzines and so on.Then you should note when you
read English books and doing more writing practice usually to improve
your writing ability..Remember that accumulation is the key to learn
There are many ways to
improve our English skills.We all know the English skills include the
listening、speaking、reading and writing.So if all the four skills had
been improved,the overall English skills will be improved.Firt,to
improve the listening skill,you should listen to more English radio
tapes,English radio programmes and even English songs,You should also
pay more attention to the voice when watching an English movie.The
improvement of the speaking skill needs practice,you should speak some
in or after class with others.Then the improvement of the reading
ability needs large numbers of reading,including reading famous English
books、 newspapers、magzines and so on.Then you should note when you
read English books and doing more writing practice usually to improve
your writing ability..Remember that accumulation is the key to learn
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