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"The virtuous and main Xing assist,the gift method counteract,the original heart sentence" of our country feudalism orthodox tradition law thought,at the west Han martial emperor period formation,produced to biggest influence to the future generations,Dong3 Zhong4 Shu has an important function to this formation that thought.Should thought with first Qin2 Zhu Zi3 be 100''Ren,Zha,virtuous"of lay equal stress on Confucianism theory for foundation,the way which passes "lead through definitely jail","lead through the solution Lyu" leads the Confucianism into judicatory to practice;The yin and yang of the ancient clan system caste system,"sun the Yin be vulgar" of Yun rule by divine right method thought with"the day punish a day to beg for","close close" is five lines of in the law thought of the feudalism orthodox tradition say and"full-time penalty" of Legalist thought etc..The article analyzed the our country feudalism orthodox tradition law thought formation in include of above-mentioned thought,theory,thus to our country the law thought of the feudalism orthodox tradition have an accurate confidence
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