早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


his is Millie. She is twelve years old. She studies at Sunshine Secondary School. She has short hair and two big eyes. Millie loves reading because she wants to learn more about the world. But she dislikes basketball because she is not tall enough.
Millie likes English very much. She reads English every morning. She often speaks English with her classmates. And she often studies English by listening to the radio. She also likes watching TV. But she only watches it on Saturday evening.
She doesn’t like dancing. But she likes singing. She sings very well. She likes driving a car too. All the teachers like her.
( )1. Millie often plays basketball after class.
( )2. Millie reads English in the morning.
( )3. Millie watches TV every evening.
( )4. Millie likes singing and dancing.
( )5. Millie’s teachers like her.
Name Birthplace Date of birth Height Weight Hobbies
Liu Xiang Shanghai 13th July, 1983 189 cm 74 kg Singing and playing games
Guo Jingjing Baoding, Hebei 15th October,
1981 161 cm 49 kg Eating snacks and reading
Ding Junhui Yixing, Jiangsu 1st April, 1987 176 cm 60 kg Reading and watching TV
Wang Liqin Shanghai 18th June, 1978 186 cm 76 kg Listening to music and watching films
( )1. _____________ are from the same city.
A. Wang Liqin and Ding Junhui
B. Liu Xiang and Guo Jingjing
C. Wang Liqin and Liu Xiang
D. Liu Xiang and Ding Junhui
( )2. _____________is the youngest (最年轻的) player.
A. Liu Xiang B. Wang Liqin
C. Ding Junhui D. Guo Jingjing
( )3. ___________ have the same hobbies.
A. Wang Liqin and Ding Junhui
B. Ding Junhui and Guo Jingjing
C. Wang Liqin and Liu Xiang
D. Liu Xiang and Ding Junhui
( )4. How many centimetres is the tallest one taller
than the shortest one (最高的那个人比最低的
A. 189 cm. B. 25 cm.
C. 15 cm. D. 28 cm.
( )5. What is the total (总和) of their weight?
A. 258 kg. B. 259 kg.
C. 169 kg. D. 257 kg.
It is Monday today. I’m very happy to see a new classmate in our class. He is from Sichuan. His name is Liu Wei. A terrible earthquake hit his city on May 12th. Many of his classmates died (死亡). Eighteen students from Sichuan come to our school.
Liu Wei is very glad to be a member of Class 2, Grade 7. He is the forty?鄄first one in our class. He is polite. He often goes to see his little sister in Class 3, Grade 5. He is good at Maths and often helps me. His Chinese and History are also very good. But his English needs help and we start to help him. After school, he always enjoys reading in the library. We think he will be better in the future.
( )1. What does the underlined word “terrible” mean in Chinese?
A. 好玩的 B. 轻微的
C. 严重的 D. 可爱的
( )2. __________students come to the writer’s school from Sichuan.
A. 51 B. 50 C. 28 D. 18
( )3. Why does Liu Wei come to the writer’s school?
A. Because he loves the school.
B. Because his sister is in the school.
C. Because he wants to make friends with the writer.
D. Because the students have no schools after the earthquake in Sichuan.
( )4. How many students are there in the writer’s class before Liu Wei’s coming?
A. 30. B. 40. C. 41. D. 31.
( )5. What subject is Liu Wei weak (弱的) in?
A. English. B. Maths.
C. Chinese. D. History.
A) 1-5 FTFFT B) 1-5 CCBDB C) 1-5 CDDBA
My friend Sally is a sports fan (爱好者). She likes soccer, basketball, volleyball and baseball. She has a great sports collection. She has one soccer ball, two baseballs, three volleyballs and four basketballs. They are all under her bed. Sally plays basketball very well. She likes Kobe Bryant. She thinks Kobe is the best basketball player in America and she also likes Yao Ming from China. Sally plays baseball very well too. Now she is in the Baseball Club in her school.
( )1. Sally has ______________ volleyballs.
A. six B. five C. three D. ten
( )2. Kobe Bryant is a ______________.
A. student B. basketball player
C. baseball player D. teacher
( )3. Sally plays ______________very well.
A. soccer and basketball
B. volleyball and baseball
C. basketball and baseball
D. tennis and basketball
( )4. Sally is ______________.
A. in the Basketball Club in her school
B. an English teacher
C. a sports fan D. Kobe’s sister
( )5. We can find ______________ under Sally’s bed.
A. some notebooks B. a watch
C. three books
D. a great sports collection
Welcome to our school clubs! Here are some after-school activities for you to do!
Club Time Date Note
Reading Club 4.50-5.20 in the afternoon Mon. & Thurs . Boys & girls
Swimming Club 1.30-3.00 in the afternoon Sat. & Sun. Boys & girls
Badminton Club 4.00-5.00 in the afternoon Mon. to Thurs. Boys & girls
Dancing Club 4.00-4.45 in the afternoon Mon. Girls only
Piano Club 4.55-5.25 in the afternoon Tues. & Thurs. Boys & girls
Computer Club 4.00-4.45 in the afternoon Wed. & Fri. Boys & girls
Football Club 4.00-5.25 in the afternoon Mon. & Wed. & Fri. Boys only
Painting Club 4.00-4.45 in the afternoon Tues. & Thurs. Boys & girls
( )1. The ______________Club is only for boys to join.
A. Swimming B. Dancing
C. Football D. Computer
( )2. What activities can we do only at weekends?
A. Swimming B. Dancing
C. Painting D. Reading
( )3. When may we play computer games?
A. From 4.00 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. on Monday.
B. From 1.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday.
C. From 4.00 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. on Friday.
D. From 4.00 p.m. to 4.45 p.m. on Thursday.
( )4. We can spend about ______________ hour(s) playing
badminton every week.
A. two B. four C. half an D. three
( )5. Both the ______________ Club and ______________ Club are open on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
A. Piano, Painting B. Computer, Reading
C. Painting, Swimming D. Dancing, Football
Dear Alan,
I am very busy every day. I get up at five o’clock. I must get up early to clean my room first. After I have breakfast, I go to school.
It takes me twenty minutes to walk to school. I go to school early so I can sit down and read my textbooks. There is a lot to learn. I want to be good at everything!
Before classes start, we do morning exercises in the playground. We have lessons until eleven thirty in the morning. Then we have lunch. I try to read my textbooks at lunchtime.
In the afternoon we have two lessons. I walk home from school with my friends. We talk about the lessons and try to help each other with our homework.
When I get home, I practise my calligraphy (书法) for two hours and then I play the piano for an hour. I eat dinner quickly because I must have enough time to finish my homework. I finish my homework at around nine o’clock. I have to go to bed then, because I am so tired.
1. Scott gets up early to ____________________ first every day.
2. Scott tries to ____________________ at lunchtime.
3. Scott practises ____________________ for an hour after school at home.
4. Scott ____________________ at about nine o’clock in the evening.
5. Scott is very busy because he has____________________ every day.
C)1. clean his room 2. read his textbooks
3. playing the piano
4. finishes his
5. a lot to do
Today is Sunday. After a week’s study, David is very tired (累的). When he opens his eyes, it is 8.30 a.m.
His parents go to the Mount Zijin without him! He has to go to Mr Wang’s home to learn handwriting (书法) without breakfast. When he gets there, the first
class is nearly (几乎) over. Mr Wang is not very
happy, but he says nothing. David takes out his pen at once and begins to write. Oh, there is no ink (墨水) in the pen!
After class, David is so hungry and he only wants to go home to have a big lunch. He rushes out of Mr Wang’s house. Just then, he falls down. A banana skin! Who does it?
He waits for a long time at the bus stop. Later, a granny tells him that the road is closed just now. The No. 18 bus can’t come here. He has to walk home. He can’t take a taxi because he has no money with him.
Just when he gets near his home, a bad apple from the fifth floor hits his head. He wants to open the door, but he can’t find his key. He leaves his pencil box in Mr Wang’s home and the key is in it!
In the evening, he goes to watch a show outdoors with his mother. When they get there, there are only some children playing games. The show is over. Suddenly, it begins to rain heavily. When they get home, they are all wet (湿的).
( )1. David wakes up at ___________ a.m. on Sunday.
A. 8.30 B. 9.00 C. 9.30 D. 10.00
( )2. David has to go to Mr Wang’s home to __________.
A. study English
B. help him do some housework
C. study handwriting
D. visit him
( )3. David goes back to his home ___________.
A. by bus B. by taxi
C. by bike D. on foot
( )4. David leaves his key___________ .
A. in his home
B. in Mr Wang’s home
C. on the bus D. in the taxi
( )5. David is ___________during the Sunday according to
the passage.
A. happy B. comfortable
C. unlucky D. free
In China, September 10th is a special day. It’s Teachers’ Day. Teachers’ Day began in 1985. It is a great day for all the teachers and also a happy time for us students. ①How do we spend Teachers’ Day every year?
②_____________that day, we go to school early in the morning, and put a bunch (束) of flowers on our
teacher’s desk to give him or her a big surprise. Some of us help him or her to do some easy work. ③And others stand at the school gate to say hello to every teacher when they go into the school.
In the afternoon, we have a party. ④我们和老师们一起唱歌、跳舞. All of us are very, very happy.
The teachers say that the best reward (奖励,奖赏) for them is to see our great progress.
1. 请将①处划线部分的句子翻译成汉语.
2. 请在②处填写适当的介词:____________
3. 请将③处划线部分的句子翻译成汉语.
4. 请将④处划线部分的句子翻译成英语.
5. When did Teachers’ Day start?
I’m Sandy. I’m an ①___________girl. Now, it’s my summer holiday. It’s very ② ___________here in Australia. The sky is blue and high. We usually have Christmas in summer holiday. I can enjoy the sunshine. My brother likes swimming. He can swim in the sea. We can have a good time here. There are a lot of
fish in the sea. We can play with them. There are also ③____________ foreigners spending their Christmas here. Some of them play balls. Some of them sing and dance. It is a good holiday. I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas.
1. 请根据材料内容,从方框中选择适当的单词分别
many, Australian, hot
① ___________ ② ____________ ③ ______________
2. 请写出文中带下划线句子的同义句.
3. What does Sandy’s brother like?
A) 1-5 ACDBC
B)1. 每年我们如何度过教师节呢? 2. On
3. 另一些人就站在学校门口,当老师们走进学校时向他们问候.
4. We sing and dance with the teachers.
5. It started in 1985.
C)1. ①Australian ②hot ③many
2. We can enjoy ourselves here.
3. He likes swimming.
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