早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


other、others、the other、the others、another的区别和各自用法是什么
两者 one...the other
三者 one another the other/ one....the others....
三者以上 one...another....another..... another ....最後一个才是the other
some......... / others.... 没限定就不用the
some of the..... / the others...有限定就加the
↓不过像碰到比较有变化的题目 还是要了解这三个字基本的概念↓
another + 单数名词 : 另一个 (指的是没有范围限制)
Ex:如何学好英文? 第一个是每天听广播 . 另一个是多讲英文.另一个是....因为方法很多 这时的另
How can I learn English well? One way is to...... Another way you can do is to....
the other : 有范围限制 的最後一个其他
Ex:I have 2 pens. One is red, and the other is black.
the others :有范围限制的最後几个其他
Ex:I have 10 pens. One is red, another is black, and the others are blue.
(这样就知道言下之意 1枝红的 另一枝黑的 剩下八支都蓝的)
------所以有范围数字限制才会加 the------
other + 复数名词 = others
Ex:Some boys are tall,others are short.
I have many friends. Some are from Canada, some are from USA, and others are from
I like these pens. Can you show me some others?
=I like these pens. Can you show me some other pens?