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高中英语选择题 高手乱入中..
1. The company _____ new computer games at a great rate.
A. turns up B. turns out C. turns away D. turns down
2. I have a lot of reading _____ to complete before the end of the term.
A. titles B. subjects C. assignments D. jobs
3. The police are _____ trouble at tomorrow’s World Cup final match.
A. frustrating B. grasping C. anticipating D. assigning
4. He wanted to become a writer, but his father didn’t think it was a ______ profession.
A. respectable B. respectful C. respect D. respecting
5. The decorations(装饰)were beautiful and ______, the children made them themselves.
A. however B. what’s more C. somehow D. step by step
6. Paul’s not _____ at present. Should I ask him to call you back?
A. helpful B. prim C. available D. tough
7. We were told to learn Martin Luther King’s speech ______ for homework.
A. step by step B. in vain C. by heart D. in advance
8. When I stopped studying I was still keen to ______ my French.
A. clear up B. hold up C. make up D. keep up
9. It’s _______ impossible to get home in less than an hour when traffic is heavy.
A. somehow B. moreover C. practically D. excessively
10. _____ you meet some really interesting people, but most of the time they’re fairly ordinary.
A. Above all B. At the moment C. Step by step D. Every now and then
11. The package was sent to a wrong ______.
A. destination B. correspondence C. property D. greenhouse
12. He _____ the job because it involved too much traveling.
A. turned up B. turned down C. turned in D. turned out
13. Maintaining a healthy _____ is very important to our health.
A. proportion B. diet C. attitude D. spaghetti
14. If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you’ll see we’re now _____ the Tower of London.
A. imaging B. anticipating C. avoiding D. approaching
15. _____ Mary nor John went to the Grand Theatre.
A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Have
16. You _____ say yes, what have you got to lose?
A. as well B. well C. might as well D. might as
17. I have dozed _____ and on until daylight.
A. off B. out C. in D. away
18. The speaker was _____ everybody – you can see on their faces.
A. violating B. boring C. violated D. bored
19. The trouble is I find most forms of exercise so ______.
A. tedious B. helpful C. livable D. reluctant
20. She is one of those guests who does nothing _____ complain.
A. only B. besides C. than D. but
1.The company ___B__ new computer games at a great rate.
A.turns up B.turns out C.turns away D.turns down
2.I have a lot of reading C_____ to complete before the end of the term.
A.titles B.subjects C.assignments D.jobs
3.The police are _____C trouble at tomorrow’s World Cup final match.
A.frustrating B.grasping C.anticipating D.assigning
4.He wanted to become a writer,but his father didn’t think it was a ___A___ profession.
A.respectable B.respectful C.respect D.respecting
5.The decorations(装饰)were beautiful and ___B___,the children made them themselves.
A.however B.what’s more C.somehow D.step by step
6.Paul’s not ___C__ at present.Should I ask him to call you back?
A.helpful B.prim C.available D.tough
7.We were told to learn Martin Luther King’s speech ___D___ for homework.
A.step by step B.in vain C.by heart D.in advance
8.When I stopped studying I was still keen to ___D___ my French.
A.clear up B.hold up C.make up D.keep up
9.It’s _____C__ impossible to get home in less than an hour when traffic is heavy.
A.somehow B.moreover C.practically D.excessively
10._D____ you meet some really interesting people,but most of the time they’re fairly ordinary.
A.Above all B.At the moment C.Step by step D.Every now and then
11.The package was sent to a wrong __A____.
A.destination B.correspondence C.property D.greenhouse
12.He __B___ the job because it involved too much traveling.
A.turned up B.turned down C.turned in D.turned out
13.Maintaining a healthy __B___ is very important to our health.
A.proportion B.diet C.attitude D.spaghetti
14.If you look out of the window on the left of the bus,you’ll see we’re now ____D_ the Tower of London.
A.imaging B.anticipating C.avoiding D.approaching
15.___B__ Mary nor John went to the Grand Theatre.
A.Both B.Neither C.Either D.Have
16.You __C___ say yes,what have you got to lose?
A.as well B.well C.might as well D.might as
17.I have dozed _A____ and on until daylight.
A.off B.out C.in D.away
18.The speaker was ___D__ everybody – you can see on their faces.
A.violating B.boring C.violated D.bored
19.The trouble is I find most forms of exercise so ____A__.
A.tedious B.helpful C.livable D.reluctant
20.She is one of those guests who does nothing __D___ complain.
A.only B.besides C.than D.but
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