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Chinese people receive a day off for most public holidays.For Spring Festival and National Day,they have three days off.But people are usually71___to work on weekends before or after the holiday72___that they can have three or five days off in a row.
    Many people choose to travel during long breaks,and this73___encourages the economy(经济):more money is spent and more things are sold,so companies have more profit and the economy becomes74___.
"I want to visit the Forbidden City.During my summer and winter holiday vacation,my parents need to work;75___the Spring Festival holiday,we visit my grandparents.So the Nationl Day holiday is our once-in-a-year chance,"said Huang Hanyuan,14 from Henan.
    But if everyone 76___time off in the sane days,what will happen?After the 7-day holiday,Huang Hanyuan feels77___,but her parents find it a relief(解脱).They visited Beijing during the break.It was overcrowded everywhere.Highways turned into parking lots.Train tickets sold out within minutes.Police helped clean jammped roads.
    To make things better,people are 78___for more flexible(灵活的) holiday,given paid annual leave(带薪年假),for example.
     Many European79___make it a law that people have at least 20 paid days off every year,and Jpanese people have at least 10.People can decide by80___when to take the time off.In this way,they can arrange trip better.
71.asked,考察动词辨析及上下文理解,文中提到"they can have three or five days off in a row"这样一来人们就可以连着休息3-5天,由此可以推测此处应该是被要求在周末上班,也就是所谓的调休,ask to do...