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we can't ignore the negative affects on personal communication from the internet.求指点语法错误.
作文题目是:The impact of the internet on interpersonal communication,这是后面半段了,前面的发在别的求助贴里了,求指点语法错误:
However,we can't ignore the negative affects on personal communication from the internet.Someone is absorbed in internet that he lost interest in face to face talk.Someone indulged in internet communication then they lost the capability in real life interpersonal communication.
In a conclusion,I think we should take full advantage of the new communicaiton method,and avoid its negative impact on our real life.
However,we can't ignore the negative EFFECT on personal communication BY USING the internet.Someone is absorbed in internet that he lost interest in (face-to-face一个词) talk.Someone INDULGES in internet communication then they lost the ABILITY in real life interpersonal communication.
In (a去掉) conclusion,I think we should take full advantage of the new communicaiton method,and avoid its negative impact on our real life.
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