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Yet more than 25 years has passed since I sat finals and still I wake at night with my heart thudding,dreaming that I had forgotten to revise or had had to take physics instead of philosophy.In my other standard nightmare,all my teech have fallen out,but that dream is a walk in the park compared with that moment of existential despair when you are in the school gym and you turn over the paper to find yourself unable to answer the questions.
However, last time i participated in the final exam was 25 years ago, but now i still wake up from from a dram. Either dream that i forgot to modify the answer or dream that i was forced to choose the physics rather than philosophy. The other nightmare that i often dream is all of mt teeth are falling out. But comparied with the despair that i dream i am reading the examing paper in the school stadium but i can't answer any of them, this dream make me as pleasure as walking in the park
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