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Some people think firecrackes should be banned.Firstly,setting off firecrackes can be very dangerous.It's reported that hospitals treat many people who have been injured while setting off firecrackes during the Spring Festival.It can cause fires.
Secondly,firecrackes give off poisonous gases and live waste paper behind.This pollutes the air and dirties the environment.
There are many ways to celebrate our traditional festival.It's important to have a healthy and happy holiday.
Others think firecrackes should not be banned.Firstly,it is our traditional to set off firecrackes to celebrate the Spring Festival.This bring great joy to Chinese families.As part of the Chinese culture,it should not be banned.
Secondly,something can be done to make setting off firecrackes safer.Many cities have banned pour quality firecrackes.
In a word,we can find a way to have a safe and fun holiday
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