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You might not be able to control your workload,but you can control how you react to it.You can choose to be overwhelmed,or you can choose to accept where you are today,while taking steps to improve your situation.
1.Know That You Are Not Alone - With layoffs and cutbacks,everyone is feeling the pressure.Knowing that you are not alone,can give
you the strength to continue.It also alleviates the internal question of why it seems like everyone else is handling their workload better than you.Everyone is busy.But,what you choose to do about your "busy-ness" is up to you.
2.Prioritize & Plan - You can only do so many tasks at one time,so it makes sense to focus in on what is really required.Before you leave each evening,write down your top 3 priorities that need to be accomplished the next day.In addition,write down one step that will get you started for each item.You might not feel like doing this at the end of your day.(You are tired,you want to go home,etc.) But the reward is direction and focus when you begin work in the morning.Why wing it?Set yourself up powerfully so you can win.
3.Delegate or Eliminate - After you have prioritized,it is time to look at what you need to accomplish.What can be given to someone else or removed from your day?This will be tricky.You will have to get creative and come up with a good reason why you are no longer the right person to perform these tasks.Will you be more productive if you eliminate this portion of your job?Is the company losing money by keeping this process in place?Come up with what is in it for the company if you want to delegate some of your responsibilities.
4.Become The Solution - What strategies can you come up with to solve the problem?What processes can you make a part of your day to help things run smoother?Finding a solution will not only energize you,it will give you a sense of power and control over your situation.
5.Take Good Care Of Yourself - Your most important priority right now (and always!) is you.You cannot complete the projects you have on your plate unless you take care of yourself first.Take breaks during the day if you can.Try to leave your thoughts about work at the office.Bring healthy foods into work with you everyday,and drink lots of water.Do not be surprised if you see a shift in your attitude when you incorporate these simple practices.
6.Remember That It Will Not Be Like This Forever - In life we have our good days and bad days,and this too shall pass.When we look back at the situations that have been the hardest,we realize that we were there for a reason.What do you think you are learning or need to learn from this situation?What have you been avoiding or resisting that you cannot overlook anymore?Use this lesson to empower yourself and those around you.