早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



W : I had such a terrible day yesterday that I'm really starting to believe that Friday the thirteenth __ 1 __(lucky) .

M : Why ? What __ 2 __(happen)?

W : Everything went __ 3 __. For example I had to meet an important customer in the morning and on the __ 4 __ to town the car broke down . When I finally got there the customer had already left.

M : __ 5 __ certainly is bad luck.

W : That's not all. In the afternoon __ 6 __ children asked some kids over __ 7 __(play) and they had a pillow fight and tore one of the pillows.__ 8 __ I got home there were feathers all over the place.

M : My goodness!

W : And to make matters __ 9 __ , my boss and his wife arrived while I was cleaning up the house . I __ 10 __(forget) that I'd invited them for dinner.


Ⅰ . 1.unlucky   2.happened   3.wrong   4.way   5.That

6 . the   7.to play   8.When   9.worse   10.had forgotten