早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



My nephew’s 10-year-old son came for a visit one hot July weekend. I persuaded him to    inside and joined him in a game. After    for an hour I suggested that we relax for a while. I fell into my favorite recliner(躺椅)to let my neck muscles relax. He'd slipped out of the room and I was catching a few    moments of peace and quiet.
"Look,Alice ” he said    as he ran over to the chair where I was sitting "I found a kite. Could we go outside and    it?"
Glancing out a nearby window I noticed it was    outside. “I'm sorry Tripper .” I said sad to see his    eyes. "The wind is not blowing today. The kite won't fly.”
The    10-year-old replied “I think it's    enough. I can get it to fly ” he answered as he ran out to the back door   .
Up and down in the yard he ran pulling the kite    to a small length of string. He ran back and forth,as hard as his ten year-old    would carry him looking back    at the kite behind. After about ten minutes of    determination he came back in.
I asked "How did it go?"
"Fine,”he said not wanting to admit    .“I got it to fly some”
As he walked past me to return the kite to the closet shelf I heard him say under his breath "I guess I'll have to wait for the    .”
At that moment I heard another Voice speak to my    . "Alice sometimes you are just like that. You want to do it your way    waiting for the Wind.”
And the voice was right. We usually want to use our own efforts to    what we want to do. We wait for the Wind only after we have done all we can and have exhausted(耗尽)our own    .We must learn how to rely on Him in the first place!

A.live B.study C.stay D.lie
【小题2】 .
A.playing B.resting C.challenging D.arguing
A.worried B.troubled C.excited D.enjoyable
A.casually B.enthusiastically C.stubbornly D.deliberately
A.decorate B.drop C.hang D.fly
A.hot B.still C.noisy D.fine
A.bright B.disappointed C.dull D.satisfied
A.clever B.talented C.determined D.fearless
A.sunny B.cloudy C.windy D.rainy
A.hurriedly B.curiously C.suddenly D.unwillingly
A.adapted B.added C.attached D.devoted
A.mind B.body C.arms D.legs
A.angrily B.nervously C.doubtfully D.hopefully
A.unsuccessful B.successful C.uncomfortable D.comfortable
A.win B.defeat C.mistake D.luck
A.wind B.order C.news D.sunshine
A.heart B.memory C.dream D.world
A.regardless of B.instead of C.in spite of D.in case of
A.imagine B.decide C.apply D.accomplish
A.courage B.patience C.strength D.knowledge


【小题20】C 解析
分 析:
文章讲述了 “我”10岁的侄子在一个风平浪静的日子里执意要去放风筝,但不管他如何跑来跑去,风筝依旧飞不起来。无奈,他只能决定等有了风再去放风筝。这个故事告诉我们,不要一味盲目地只凭借自己的力量去完成我们想做的事情,应该一开始就寻求我们所能利用的条件。
【小题1】C动词辨析。根据上下文可知,天太热所以“我”说服他待在(stay)家里玩游戏。A 生活,居住;  B 学习;C 呆在;D 说谎,位于。故C正确
【小题3】D形容词辨析。我好好快乐的享受一下这平和安静的愉悦时光。A 担心的;B 麻烦的;C 兴奋的;  D 快乐的。故D正确
【小题4】B副词辨析。当他跑到我所坐的椅子旁边时,兴奋地对我说:“我发现了一只风筝。”A 随意地;  B,兴奋地,热情地;C 固执地;D 故意地。故B正确
【小题5】D动词辨析。我们能出去放风筝吗?A 装饰;B 落下;C 悬挂;D 放风筝fly a kite。故D正确
【小题6】B形容词辨析。我发现屋外一丝风都没有。A 炎热的;B 风平浪静的,静止的;C 嘈杂的;D 天 气好的。故B正确
【小题7】B形容词辨析。根据上文的I’m sorry及sad to see可知,此时他的眼神里应该是很失望的(disappointed)A 聪明的,光明的;B 失望的;C 郁闷的;D 满意的。故B正确
【小题8】C根据下文的回答 “I think it’s windy enough. I can get it to fly.”可知,这个10岁 的小男孩态度应该是很坚决的(determined)。A 聪明的;B 有天赋的;C 坚决的;D 大胆的。故C正确
【小题9】C形容词辨析。我认为风足够大了,我能够让风筝飞起来。A 阳光的;B,有云的;C 有风的; D  有雨的。故C正确
【小题10】A副词辨析。当他快速从后门出去的时候,他坚定地回答说他能让风筝飞起来。A 快速地;B  好奇地;C 突然地;D 不情愿地。故A正确
【小题11】C动词辨析。风筝被很短的绳子系住了(attach)。A 适应;B 增加;C,固定 系住;D 奉献, 致力于。故C正确
【小题12】D名词辨析。他用他十岁的双腿来回地跑。A 主意,想法;B 身体;C 胳膊;D 腿。故D正确
【小题13】D根据上文中“I can get it to fly”可知,此时小男孩是很有希望地看着后面的风筝,认为 风筝能够飞起来。hopefully很有希望地,有前途地;doubtfully怀疑地,含糊地。故D正确
【小题14】A形容词辨析。经过十分钟的不成功的试飞后,她回来了。A 不成功的;B 成功的;C 不舒服 的;D 舒服的。故A正确
【小题15】B名词辨析。根据下文“I got it to fly some”可知,他不认输。admit defeat服输,认输。A 赢;B 失败,输;C 错误;D 运气。故B正确
【小题16】A名词辨析。我想我不得不等有风了才行。A 风;B 命令;C 新闻;D 阳光。故A正确
【小题18】B介词词组辨析。你想要的是按照你自己的方式做事,而不是等待风的来临。A 不管,不顾;B  而不是;C 尽管;D 以防万一。故B正确
【小题19】D动词辨析。我们经常想用自己的力量去完成我们想做的事情。effort努力;pressure压力;fault过失,过错。A 想象;B 决定;C 申请;D 完成,实现。故D正确
【小题20】C名词辨析。根据语境可知,只要当我们努力过后且筋疲力尽的时候 我们才愿意等待风的来临。strength力量,力气;courage勇气;胆量;message消息;knowledge知识。故C正确