Wang Lin's Diary (日记)
Oct. 8th Monday
October 1st is our National Day. It was Monday. In the morning our teacher took us to the park. Oh many people were there. Everywhere we could see flags (旗) and flowers. We saw people dancing in the park. We had a good time.
This morning I did some cleaning. Then I went to school. In the class our teacher told us a very interesting story. It was about a French scientist Ampere. Once he was walking in the street. He began to work on a problem on a “blackboard” with a piece of chalk. But it was not a blackboard. It was the back of a carriage (马车) .Ampere didn't notice (注意) it at all.How hard he worked at his problem!
In the evening it became cloudy. It's going to rain tomorrow I think.
6. Wang Lin wrote his diary on.
A. October 1st B. October 4th C. October 7th D. October 8th
7. Wang Lin's teacher and his classmates went to the park on .
A. October 1st B. October 2nd C. Tuesday D. October 8th
8. Ampere was a great scientist.
A. English B. American C. French D. Chinese
9. Ampere worked on a problem on the .
A. blackboard B. back of a carriage C. door D. flag
10. Wang Lin thought it was going to rain the next day because .
A. it was too hot that day B. it didn't rain for a long time
C. it was cloudy that evening D. it was cloudy that morning
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