It’s October and what better way to kick off Anti-bullying(反欺负) Month than with a great read ? FJLAWD: How to StoP Hating Yourself Others and the Things That Make You Who You Are — a book by Emily-Anne Rigal and co-author Jeanne DemerS - is all about encouraging teens to face and accept their (弱点) .The book is a must-read for every teenager but it can even teach adults about self-acceptance.
Emily-Anne Rigal 21 is the founder of an online community called WeStopHate. The organiza-tion began as a YouTube channel and grew to include other platforms like Facebook Twitter Instagram and more. "WeStopHate is all about raising self-esteem in Jeens as a way to fight against bullying”r Rigal says. If you feel good about yourself you re not going to hate yourself and you re not going to hate others. People who are hurt are likely to hurt other people.? And she knows this firsthand.
Growing up Rigal was bullied a lot and she had to change schools. Then at her new middle school she changed roles and became a bully but she didn' t feel great about it. She often found herself annoyed on the bus ride home wondering why she behaved so meanly. It wasn't until she began to accept herself that she treated others with that same level of respect.
With the help of her co-author Demers Rigal watched more than 100 WeStopHate videos from teens and chose the best pieces of advice and included them in her book. Because so many teens talked about flaws holding them back Rigal decided to make it the focus of the book.
“We live in a culture that makes us believe that :we’ re not good enough. If only we had X or Y or Z we’d be happier and better. The key message in the book is that just as we are — flawed and powerful we are good enough ” says Rigal.
5. The book written by Rigal and Demers .
A. is a best seller in October
B. helps teens make new friends
C. celebrates Anti-Bullying Month
D. is good for both teens and adults
6. What makes Rigal understand people's bullying behavior after they are bullied?
A. Books on bullying.
B. Videos on bullying
C. Her own experience.
D. Her interview with teens.
7. What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A. Being a bully. B. Hating herself
C. Getting bullied. D. Changing schools.
8. In the last paragraph Rigal mainly encourages teens to .
A. change the world
B. accept who they are
C. fight against bullying
D. try to show their better self
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