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Will the sky fall?The answer is no.But if it happens,there’s no need to be afraid!The American film Chicken Little was shown on November 4,2005.It teaches us:Don’t worry too much in our lives.
One day Chicken Little was walking in the woods when an acorn (橡树果) fell on his head!It made him scared.He thought a piece of the sky was falling!He couldn’t wait to tell anyone else about it.All the people ran for their lives!But when everyone knew what happened later,no one liked Chicken Little.They laughed at him.What’s more,he got a bad name in the town,Oakey Oaks.Chicken Little decided to change others’ opinions about him.He learnt to play baseball.Although he was no bigger than a ball,he practiced very hard!At last,he helped his team win.After that,people began to think he was great.Just then,a spaceship really fell from the sky!The aliens aboard had bad plans.Once again he must tell others about it.
Will he get help from his friends in the town?Please go to watch the film!
What does the American film Chicken Little teach us?
Where is Chicken Little when an acorn falls on his head?
Is Chicken Little good at playing baseball?
what really falls from the sky?
What does everyone in the town call Chicken Little when they learn th truth?
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Will the sky fall? The answer is no. But if it happens, there’s no need to be afraid! The American film Chicken Little was shown on November 4, 2005. It teaches us: Don’t worry too much in our lives. One day Chicken Little was walking in the woods when an acorn (橡树果) fell on his head! It made him scared. He thought a piece of the sky was falling! He couldn’t wait to tell anyone else about it. All the people ran for their lives! But when everyone knew what happened later, no one liked Chicken Little. They laughed at him. What’s more, he got a bad name in the town, Oakey Oaks. Chicken Little decided to change others’ opinions about him. He learnt to play baseball. Although he was no bigger than a ball, he practiced very hard! At last, he helped his team win. After that, people began to think he was great. Just then, a spaceship really fell from the sky! The aliens aboard had bad plans. Once again he must tell others about it. Will he get help from his friends in the town? Please go to watch the film