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             Mid-autumn Day

      In China there are a lot of traditional festivals like Spring Festival Mid-autumn Day and Tomb-sweeping Day.

     Mid-autumn Day is very popular. 1 that day Chinese people usually get together and 2 moon cakes. The moon cakes are round 3 usually have some meat or nuts in it. They also eat nice food and drink some juice. After that they often 4 TV. Today is Mid-autumn Day. In my family my father is 5 his car. He will drive to work tomorrow. He loves his 6 very much. My mother is looking at the moon and 7 me a story of Chang ’ e. She likes the big moon. My sister Lingling is 8 her American friend Jenny. Jenny is 14 years old too. She is now in New York in 9 with her parents. She is telling 10 what she is doing on Mid-autumn Day. We all love our Mid-autumn Day.


() 1. A. In   B. At   C. On   D. For

() 2. A. drink   B. has   C. eat   D. cut

() 3. A. but   B. or   C. so   D. and

() 4. A. see   B. watch   C. look   D. talk

() 5. A. opening   B. driving   C. washing   D. sweeping

() 6. A. cat   B. son   C. moon cakes   D. car

() 7. A. saying   B. speaking   C. talking   D. telling

() 8. A. calling   B. using   C. connecting   D. sending

() 9. A. China   B. America   C. England   D. Canada

() 10. A. him   B. her   C. their   D. our


1. C 考查介词辨析。在具体的某天用介词on。句意为:


2. C 考查动词辨析。drink“喝”;has“有,吃”;eat“吃”;

cut “切”。根据句意:“在那天,中国人经常聚在一 起并且吃月饼。”此句中主语people是复数,故选 C.

3. D 考查连词辨析。but“但是”;or“或者”;So“因此”;

and “和,并且”。根据句意:“月饼是圆的,并且通常 有些肉或者坚果在里面。”故选D.

4. B 考查动词辨析。see“看见”;watch“看,观看”;look

“看”;talk“谈话”。根据句意:“之后,他们经常看 电视。”固定短语watch TV“看电视”,可知选   B.

5. C 考查动词辨析。opening“打开”;driving“驾驶”;

washing“洗”;sweeping“扫”。根据后半句:“ he will drive to work tomorrow. ”可知选 C. 句意为:“我爸 爸正在洗车,明天他要开着去上班。”

6. D 考查行文逻辑。cat“猫”;son “儿子” ;moon cakes


7. D 考查动词辨析。saying“说”,强调说的内容;speaking

“说,演讲”,强调说的方式,或者语言;talking“谈 .话”;telling“告诉,讲”。根据句意:“我妈妈正在赏月,给我讲嫦娥的故事。”

8. A 考查动词辨析。calling“打电话”;using“使用”;con necting “连接”; sending “ 发送” 。根据句意:“ 我妹妹 正在给美国朋友詹妮打电话。”

9. B 考查名词辨析。China“中国”;America“美国”;Eng land“英 国”; Canada “加 拿大” 。根据 句中的 New York可知选B.

10. B 考查人称代词宾格。him“他”,宾格;her“她”,宾格;their“他们的”;our“我们的”。根据句意:“她 正在告诉她中秋节做的事情。”可知选 B.