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帮忙看这篇英语作文帮忙改下你认为该添就添一下该删就删下分不多望大家全力以赴 My Mid- Autumn DdayToday is Mid-Autumn Day.I'm very happy。Because today is day-off.we can look moon in thr night and eat (月饼).but I think is so boring .And I also play the whole day.My friends all over there.We play blasketball or spend lots of time playing computer game of cossfire ,This is my favorite game.My father like to play it either. Then I eat a(月饼)It's awful and very expensive ,Now many factory isn't(诚实)他们弄虚作假欺骗我们,真的太坏了,我马上把它扔掉了,I open the 《水浒传》to my surprise .It's偷工减料,每一回只有1页,I'm annoyed.I rally want to kill them我只好又继续玩游戏了,真是一个令人失望的中秋节啊!
The receiver is Mid-Autumn. I 'm very/actually. The receiver is off for /-we can kind. In the night eat-THR finds (moon cake). But I think is so boring. I also take the belly is full the wish and makes all over there. We blasketball belly is full. Lots of maintenance or if the end game of vinyl cossfire, My favorite game. That is My like it to it. Then I belly is full either eat a (moon cake) it 's very expensive-awful, Now is for've' t (honest) they deceive us and fraud is too bad really, I'll throw it out, I open the "-- for your involved. It 's cut corners, each time only 1 page, I' m annoyed. I rally to kill on them I have to and continue to play the game, it's a disappointment of the Mid-Autumn festival!
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