早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese.
Late on a chilly autumn afternoon,I start digging on the little slope behind my house.A bale of peat,a bag of bone meal and a barrowload of rich,black compost prepare the rooty soil for bulbs.
I wonder why I am bothering to plant these flowers of spring and summer -- tulips,narcissuses and lilies.I don't own this land or the old house that sits on it.Fortunately the landlords indulge my gardening whims in the spirit of home improvement:the rampant mint that I set out beneath the bedroom window,the harlequin pansies dotting the rock garden beside the kitchen door,and these fleshy white kernels parceled out on the cold earth around me.Yet why should I spend time and money on something I may enjoy for only a season or two before I move to another place,another garden not my own?
It was my father,an amateur farmer,who first taught me how things grew and the value of long-term investments.He spent 30 years of his life working as a civil engineer for the state,designing highways.Then,in his 60s,after my mother died,he took up painting -- as if the pigments,brushes and linseed oil represented only a subtle change of medium from the crushed rock and asphalt in which he had worked before.
My father was meticulous about small things he considered important,but he was also the most guileless man I've ever known.He never invested in anything riskier than U.S.Savings Bonds,which took years to mature and then blossomed and vanished in a single day to pay for cars or college loans.To him,this sort of bargain made good sense:it was the way of nature and the way of the world.You planted,then you waited.
And yet somehow the big payoff -- the flower,the fruit,the cash in your hand -- gave nothing more than an intense and fleeting joy,the final affirmation of a dream.The deeper satisfaction was always in the growth itself,the greening force that carries all of the sweet,uncertain hopes for the future.
Squatting here in the tall grass on the hill,I remember humid summer evenings when my father would finish mowing and walk into the barn to pick up a flat of petunias,portulaca or whatever needed planting.Smelling of gasoline,sweat and fresh-cut clippings,he would kneel in the pale twilight and dig holes with an old wooden-handled trowel,his left arm scything back and forth through the cloud of mosquitoes surrounding his head.
The same trowel rests in my hand now,though the handle has loosened over the years.Shadows gather quickly in these shortened days of fall,and I work faster,more deliberately.Bend,dig,drop,cover,tamp,repeat.The sun has always dipped below the horizon,but the crowns of the maple trees across the road gleam like red gold above the roof of the house.And a few unplanted bulbs are still upon the ground,living promissory notes that will mature and come due in the spring.