早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


开头部分是:Many people spend their new years Evegetting dressed up and dancing their way to midnight..... 全文的翻译也可以!!
Many people spend their New Years Eve, getting dressed up and dancing their
way to midnight. We decided to do things a bit differently. Filling a backpack
with clothes, shoes and other goodies, we headed to the railway station.
The first person we spotted was a 15-16 year old boy picking up discarded plastic
bottles on the platform. We called him and started up a conversation, while
discretely taking a look at his hands. Noticing his long fingernails, two of us
began cutting them and telling why it was important to keep short nails (studies
have shown that disease occurrence in the poor can be reduced by 30% by
keeping short fingernails). We then gave him a chocolate bar, which made him look
at us suspiciously. (In India, there is a fear that people cast spells on food and
then lure children away). Finally after talking to him and eating some of the
chocolate ourselves, he took the bar and began telling us his story.
After Raju’s mother passed away, his father remarried. His stepmother did not
treat Raju well. Among other things, as punishment, she would tie up Raju’s arms
and legs, pour melted jaggery on him and put him outside in the sand, where red
ants would feast on the jaggery and subsequently bite Raju, covering his body
with red marks. Unable to deal with the maltreatment, Raju ran away from home
and has been living on the streets for 3 years, collecting and selling discarded
plastic bottles.
When we met Raju, his clothes were torn and he wasn’t wearing any shoes. One
quick look into our backpacks and we found what we were looking for. When we
dressed him in a pair of Nike sandals, Raju’s eyes and face completely lit up and
his happiness was knew no words. Touched by our actions, he too wanted to do
some service work. He joined us as we walked around and identified those who
were truly in need in and around the station.
While doing service with us, a train came into the station. Promising to be back in
a few minutes, he ran towards the train to collect plastic bottles from the
compartments. When he came back to join us, somehow his smile was even bigger
than before.
“These sandals are so awesome. When I run, nothing hurts my feet. I can run so
fast, that I’m the first one in the compartments and I can quickly pick up all the
bottles. Thank you so much!”
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