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Dalin:It's Mike's birthday on Friday,so a bunch of us are going to go to the karaoke bar.Would you like to come with us?
Laura:Karaoke bar?You have a special place just for singing?In America,bars sometimes have a karaoke night where the customers can sing a song,but we haven't special karaoke bars!
Dalin:Really?In China,karaoke is a very popular way for friends to spend time together.We can select the music that our group enjoys.We mostly sing pop songs.
Laura:Do you sing individually or in groups?Singing is not a very in thing,so I don't sing very well.
Dalin:I'm surprised that you don't sing much in America.So many really cool groups come from there.
Laura:Yeah,music is popular,but mostly we just listen to it.
Dalin:If you just listen to it,you miss out on a lot of fun.
Laura:Well,we sometimes dance to the music.
Dalin :在星期五,它是麦克的生日,因此一束我们去卡拉OK演唱酒吧.您要不要来与我们?
Laura :卡拉OK演唱酒吧?您有一个特别地方唱歌的?在美国,酒吧有时有顾客能唱歌曲的卡拉OK演唱夜,但是我们有没有特别卡拉OK演唱酒吧!
Dalin :真正地?在中国,卡拉OK演唱是朋友的一个非常普遍的方式能一起花费时间.我们可以选择我们的小组享受的音乐.我们主要唱流行音乐歌曲.
Laura :您是否唱歌单独地或在小组?唱歌不是一件非常事,因此我不很好唱歌.
Dalin :我惊奇您不在美国唱.许多真正地凉快的小组来自那里.
Laura :呀,音乐是普遍的,但是主要我们听它.
Dalin :如果您听它,您在很多乐趣丢失.
Laura :那么,我们有时跳舞对音乐.