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P.S 这是一个化妆教程.
It's a pretty basic shape, I just do a diagonal line and a straight line all the way across.
You can do whatever works for your particular eye shape.
I'm filling it in with a little liquid eyeliner.
I think this is like, Maybelline or something... I really don't like brush eyeliner but I think my liner pen was drying out.Alright, make sure your eyebrow is dry and I'm just drawing in the basic shape with my liner pen... that's drying out.
You can draw it however you like.
I mean, just experiment,figure out what works best for you.
I don't think I've ever drawn my eyebrows the same way twice.
I'll show you some examples at the end.
But once I'm done with that, I like to fill it in with some eyeshadow (I have no idea what I was doing there).
Just darken it up, make it thicker with whatever color.
And now I look concerned for the rest of the tutorial!
Once that's done we're going to take a fluffy brush with some medium or dark brown and I'm just going to follow along the curve of my eye and I'm going to go from the bridge of my nose until the middle of my eye.
It's gonna give you the sunken eye look.
I used to do this with black eyeshadow, but it was a little too stark for me, so I just use medium brown unless it's for a stage performance; then I use black.
I'm also contouring my nose a little bit with the same color just to define it.
Next I'm adding in two bits of medium brown eyeshadow just for those very concerned lines.
这是一个非常基本的形状, 我只是画一条对角线和一条直线使其交叉.
我认为这是像美宝莲什么的 …… 我真的不喜欢眼线刷. 但我认为我的眼线笔干了.好吧,
确保你的眉毛是干的, 我只是用我的眼线笔来画基本眼形……那个也干了.
我是说, 不过是实验而已, 发现最适合你的一款.
但是一旦我做完了, 我喜欢用一些眼影填补 (我都不知道我在做什么).
不管用什么颜色, 让其变黑一些, 厚实一些.
我曾经用过黑色的眼影, 但是看起来太过明显, 所以我只用淡棕色,除非是上台表演, 我才用黑色眼影.
为了突出这点, 我对自己的鼻子也用一点相同的颜色来上色.