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The RoboCupSoccer competitions are held in five leagues for simulated,wheeled,fourlegged,
and biped robots.The Humanoid League was established in 2002.Here,robots with
a human-like body plan compete with each other.Fig.1 shows some participants of the 2006
competition.The players must have two legs,two arms,a head,and a trunk.Size
restrictions make sure that the center of mass of the robots is not too low,that their feet are
not too large,and so on.The participants are grouped in two size classes:KidSize (80cm).The humanoid robots must be able to walk on two legs,and they
must be fully autonomous.They may communicate with each other via a wireless network.
Help from outside the field is not permitted,neither by humans nor by computers.
Because the construction and the control of humanoid robots is significantly more complex
than that of wheeled robots,initially,there were only preliminary competitions held,but no and faced each other in penalty kicks.Since 2005,2 vs.2 soccer games take place in the Kid-
Size class with rules derived from the FIFA laws.Some simplifications apply,however.For
example,the offside rule is not observed and key objects are color-coded.
The complexity of playing soccer games is much higher than the complexity of kicking
penalties.The ball might be at any position on the field and the robots need to search for it if
they lost track of its position.The robots must also perceive at least the two goals and the
other players.Higher-level behaviors require self-localization on the field.The distances to
walk are much longer.Hence,the walking speed must be higher.As two robots play
together,there is need for coordination.While some teams use one dedicated goalie and one
field player,other teams use two field players.This makes dynamic role assignment
necessary.Last,but not least,in soccer games robots of the two teams interact physically
when going for the ball.This disturbs walking and leads to falls.The robots need to get up
from the ground by themselves in order to continue play.As a result of these difficulties,in
the RoboCup 2006 competition,only a fraction of the teams able to play penalty kick was
able to play decent soccer games.
restrictions确信,质心机器人不是太低的,那只他们的脚是 太大not,等等.参加者在二树木径级被编组:KidSize (80cm).有人的特点的机器人在二条腿和他们一定能走
than被转动的机器人那里,最初,是仅初步竞争举行的,但是没有并且互相面对点球的.自2005年以来,2对2足球赛在孩子发生 与规则的Size类从FIFA法律获得了.然而一些简单化申请.为
necessary.为时,但是相当重要,在二个队的足球赛机器人完全互动 去为球的when.这干扰走并且导致秋天.机器人需要起来
the RoboCup 2006年竞争,能只有一小部分的队演奏点球是 打正派足球赛的able.