早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Baseball is an American sport,but it is also very popular in Beijing.James likes to play it in school.He also enjoys watching baseball games on TV.When he plays baseball.He likes batting better than fielding.
The other day he hit a dig homer.The ball flew away and broke a window of his classroom.
1.What sport does James like?__________________
2.What does James enjoy watching on TV?________________
3.Where does James play baseball?______________
4.What does he like better than fielding?_______________
5.The other day he hit a big homer,and what happen?_________________
Baseball is an American sport,but it is also very popular in Beijing.James likes to play it in school.He also enjoys watching baseball games on TV.When he plays baseball.He likes batting better than fielding.
The other day he hit a dig homer.The ball flew away and broke a window of his classroom.
1.What sport does James like?__________________
2.What does James enjoy watching on TV?________________
3.Where does James play baseball?______________
4.What does he like better than fielding?_______________
5.The other day he hit a big homer,and what happen?_________________
2.baseball games
3.he likes to play baseball in school
5.the ball flew away and broke a window of his classroom.
2.baseball games
3.he likes to play baseball in school
5.the ball flew away and broke a window of his classroom.
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