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微博上看到一笑话“所谓跳水比赛,就是把全世界的跳水运动员凑到一起,来听中国国歌,一直repeat repeat.”.这让我觉得很有趣,也很骄傲.其实我也是会游泳的,只是并不是那么的喜欢与擅长.而且不知道为什么,现在的我在游泳池里,不戴游泳眼镜无法在水下睁开眼睛.这个问题在我的小时候根本就不存在.另外一项我很想学的即能是跳水.看到别人在泳池边跳水总能轻而易举的头朝下像条鱼似的跳入水中.而我总是很僵硬的,整个人横着栽到水里.
I read a joke on the weibo."The so-called Olympic diving competition is just let the diving athletes of the world bring together to listen to the Chinese national anthem repeat and repeat".I think this joke is interesting and very pride of my country.Actually I can swim,too.But not very interested it,and not very good at it either.Don't know why I can't open my eyes without swim glasses under water when I was swimming,but this was never be a question when in my childhood.And I really very want to learn the ability about jump to pool like a fish what is head over heels national like someones just can very easily to do it.In my case,when I was dive,it would looks very stiff and the body always sidewards transversely when I touch the watch skin.
I read a joke on the weibo."The so-called Olympic diving competition is just to let the diving athletes all over the world get together to listen to the Chinese national anthem repeat and repeat".I think this joke is interesting and very proud of my country.Actually I can swim,too.But I am not very interested in itor good at it either.I don't know why I can't open my eyes without swimming glasses under water when I swim,but that was never a question in my childhood.And I really very want to learn the ability of jumping into the pool like a fish what is head over heels national like someones just can do it very easily .In my case,when I dive,it would be very stiff and the body is always sidewards transversely when I touch the watch skin