第一部分听对话 选择正确答案(听两遍)
() 1. Where did Tom find his wallet?
A. In his pocket. B. In his blue coat. C. In his bedroom.
() 2. What does Mike usually do on Sunday?
A. Stay at home. B. Go cycling. C. Watch TV.
() 3. What did the man ask the woman to do?
A. To get him a stamp. B. To get him some food. C. To tell him the time.
() 4. Was Millie at the party yesterday?
A. Yes she was. B. No she wasn’t. C. We don't know.
() 5. Why was Tina late?
A. Her watch didn't work. B. She missed the school bus. C. She got up late.
1-5 AABBC 听力
1. W: You look happy Tom.
M: Oh yes. I found my wallet. It was in a pocket of my blue jeans.
2. W: What would you like to do on Sunday Mike?
M: I usually stay at home but last Sunday I went cycling with my friends.
3. M: Excuse me Fm so hungry. Can you get me something
to eat?
W: Sure just a minute.
4. M: Where is Millie? I didn't find her at the party yesterday. W: Oh she was ill in hospital.
5. M: Why are you late Tina?
W: Fm sorry. I got up late.
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