1.What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?
A.Husband and wife.
B.Boss and secretary.
2.Who will get higher pay?
A.Those who are well educated.
B.Those who have working experience.
C.Those who can speak a foreign language.
3.What is the man?
A.A salesman.
B.A policeman.
C.A postman.
4.Where is the woman’s husband?
A.In the kitchen.
B.In another house.
C.In another city.
5.What was the woman doing that night?
A.She was sleeping.
B.She was cooking dinner.
C.She was playing cards.
6.What can we learn about the song“After the Ball”?
A.The song’s writer lived all alone.
B.The writer’s old uncle lived all alone.
C.The song was a sad one.
7.What can we learn about marching music?
A.It came from a kind of piano music.
B.It is still a kind of popular music at present.
C.It was brought to Europe later.
8.Who play marching music in colleges and high schools?
A.Football players in beautiful uniforms.
B.Students in their college or school uniforms.
C.Players dressed in colorful uniforms.
9.Why can the man stay in this hotel?
A.He has a reservation in advance.
B.He is a friend of the owner’s.
C.Someone has just cancelled a reservation.
10.What does them man need for his children?
A.A color TV.
B.An extra bedroom.
C.A swimming pool.
11.When does the hotel want its guests to pay?
A.When they register.
B.When they reserve a room.
C.Just before their departure.
12.Why couldn’t the speaker see the sun?
A.Because the situation was bad.
B.Because there was much smoke in the air.
C.Because the sky was getting dark.
13.Where was the speaker’s husband?
A.He was in town.
B.He was in the garden.
C.He was abroad.
14.What did the speaker take with her?
A.Her clothes useful things passport bankbook and money.
B.Useful things such as clothes and food.
C.Her clothes drinks money and books.
15.How many days had the wind blown before the speaker left?
A.Two days.
B.Three days.
C.Four days.
Elwood Food Market
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