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这个舞步真的不是迈克尔-杰克逊发明的,一个叫比尔-贝利(Bill Bailey)的踢踏舞者早在1955年就跳过类似的舞步,“摇滚变色龙”大卫-鲍伊(David Bowie)在六十年代也跳过.不过,“Moonwalk”能风靡全球,迈克尔-杰克逊无疑居功至伟,而且,恐怕没人能像他一样在把歌唱得那么好的同时还能把舞跳得那么好.
太空步有两种,一种是后退式,一种是盘绕式,这两种舞步都可以在迈克尔-杰克逊的MV《Smooth Criminal》里看到.其要点是,一,右脚放在左脚后面,然后提高右脚脚趾,呈“L”状;二,左脚滑行至右脚,缓慢提升到其脚趾处;三,移动左脚脚趾,右脚同时行动,两个动作要保持平行;四,向后倒退滑动或转圈,膝盖略微弯曲.
反重力倾斜(anti-gravity lean)
就是传说中的45度倾斜不倒,迈克尔-杰克逊在MV《Smooth Criminal》中的经典表演.一直以来,对于这种“反重力倾斜”,各种各样的解释层出不穷.
机械舞是迈克尔-杰克逊的演出现场最常见的舞步.顾名思义,机械舞就是舞者的动作看起来像机器运转或机器人行动一样生硬、死板.据说这种舞是六十年代由一个叫查尔斯-华盛顿(Charles Washington)的人发明的,因此曾一度被称为“查尔斯机械舞”(Charles Robot).
这个舞步真的不是迈克尔-杰克逊发明的,一个叫比尔-贝利(Bill Bailey)的踢踏舞者早在1955年就跳过类似的舞步,“摇滚变色龙”大卫-鲍伊(David Bowie)在六十年代也跳过.不过,“Moonwalk”能风靡全球,迈克尔-杰克逊无疑居功至伟,而且,恐怕没人能像他一样在把歌唱得那么好的同时还能把舞跳得那么好.
太空步有两种,一种是后退式,一种是盘绕式,这两种舞步都可以在迈克尔-杰克逊的MV《Smooth Criminal》里看到.其要点是,一,右脚放在左脚后面,然后提高右脚脚趾,呈“L”状;二,左脚滑行至右脚,缓慢提升到其脚趾处;三,移动左脚脚趾,右脚同时行动,两个动作要保持平行;四,向后倒退滑动或转圈,膝盖略微弯曲.
反重力倾斜(anti-gravity lean)
就是传说中的45度倾斜不倒,迈克尔-杰克逊在MV《Smooth Criminal》中的经典表演.一直以来,对于这种“反重力倾斜”,各种各样的解释层出不穷.
机械舞是迈克尔-杰克逊的演出现场最常见的舞步.顾名思义,机械舞就是舞者的动作看起来像机器运转或机器人行动一样生硬、死板.据说这种舞是六十年代由一个叫查尔斯-华盛顿(Charles Washington)的人发明的,因此曾一度被称为“查尔斯机械舞”(Charles Robot).
Space step (Moonwalk)
This moves really not invented Michael Jackson, a man named Bill - Bailey (Bill Bailey) the tap in early 1955 jumped over similar steps, "rock chameleon" - David Bowie (David Bowie) in the sixties also skipped. However, "Moonwalk" can become popular worldwide, Michael Jackson, and greatest seeded undoubtedly, I'm afraid nobody can sing like him so well in still can take dance so well.
Space steps have two kinds, one kind is regressive type, one kind is wound type, the two steps can be in the Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal "the MV see. The key points are left foot on a foot, and then improve behind toe, show "L" shape; Second, his left foot glide to ascent to his toes, slow in; Three, moving his toes, his left foot while action, two movements must keep parallel; Four, backward sliding backward knees slightly bent, or around.
Anti-gravity tilt (gravity do lean)
Is the legendary 45 degrees of inclined firm and Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal "in the MV the classic performance. Since always, for this "anti-gravity tilt," of various interpretations emerge in endlessly.
Devil dance
The so-called devil dance, is Michael Jackson "Thriller" on MV jumps dance, although only commonly, Michael Jackson in sing this song, jump, but most people in this dance has become one of the Jackson, imitation dance in each big video websites circulated a variety of "devil dance", is amazing. The only point jump the devil dance is people must enough.
Mechanical dance (Robot)
Mechanical dance is of Michael Jackson performing the most common scene moves. Just as its name implies, mechanical dance is dancers looked like a machine or robot action as stiff, inflexible. It is said that this kind of dance is by a call Charles in the 1960s - Washington (Charles U.S.) who invented, so once called "Charles mechanical dance" (Charles Robot).
Besides above four "moves" outside, Michael Jackson's mention hip and toes touchdown such action is also very classic.
This moves really not invented Michael Jackson, a man named Bill - Bailey (Bill Bailey) the tap in early 1955 jumped over similar steps, "rock chameleon" - David Bowie (David Bowie) in the sixties also skipped. However, "Moonwalk" can become popular worldwide, Michael Jackson, and greatest seeded undoubtedly, I'm afraid nobody can sing like him so well in still can take dance so well.
Space steps have two kinds, one kind is regressive type, one kind is wound type, the two steps can be in the Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal "the MV see. The key points are left foot on a foot, and then improve behind toe, show "L" shape; Second, his left foot glide to ascent to his toes, slow in; Three, moving his toes, his left foot while action, two movements must keep parallel; Four, backward sliding backward knees slightly bent, or around.
Anti-gravity tilt (gravity do lean)
Is the legendary 45 degrees of inclined firm and Michael Jackson Smooth Criminal "in the MV the classic performance. Since always, for this "anti-gravity tilt," of various interpretations emerge in endlessly.
Devil dance
The so-called devil dance, is Michael Jackson "Thriller" on MV jumps dance, although only commonly, Michael Jackson in sing this song, jump, but most people in this dance has become one of the Jackson, imitation dance in each big video websites circulated a variety of "devil dance", is amazing. The only point jump the devil dance is people must enough.
Mechanical dance (Robot)
Mechanical dance is of Michael Jackson performing the most common scene moves. Just as its name implies, mechanical dance is dancers looked like a machine or robot action as stiff, inflexible. It is said that this kind of dance is by a call Charles in the 1960s - Washington (Charles U.S.) who invented, so once called "Charles mechanical dance" (Charles Robot).
Besides above four "moves" outside, Michael Jackson's mention hip and toes touchdown such action is also very classic.
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