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    Michelle Kan is a famous American figure skater (花样滑冰运动员). Many young people
like her a lot. She is half-Chinese and was born on July 7 1980. Her hometown is in
Guangdong China. Her father went to America from China in the 1970s. Her mother is an
American. Michelle is the youngest of their three children. She has a brother and a sister.
They also like figure skating.
    Michelle has won seven National Championships (全国锦标赛) of America and has won eight
medals at the World Championships. She has also won two Olympic medals. She got the second
place in 1998 and the third in 2002. When she talks about' her success she says "My
parents taught me to work hard. If you do your dreams may come true." She also says "What
you give is what you get back." In the future the popular skater wants to be the Michael
Jordan (the best basketball player of the world) of her sport.
1. There are _____ people In Kwan's family.
[     ]
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
2. She's a half-Chinese because _____.
[     ]
A. her mum is Chinese and her dad is American
B. her dad is Chinese and her mum is American
C. both of her parents are Chinese except her
D. her hometown is in China.
3. In the 2002 Olympic Games Michelle Kwan skated _____ than she did in the 1998 Olympics.
[     ]
A. worse
B. better
C. bad
D. good
4. The secret (秘密) of Kwan's success is _____.
[     ]
A. to work hard
B. to give less
C. to get more
D. to learn
5. The last sentence in the passage means Kwan wants to _____.
[     ]
A. play basketball instead of skating
B. learn basketball from Jordan
C. be the best figure skater
D. become the second Jordan
1-5: CBAAC

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