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On 10 Feb Han Tianyu a 17-year-old young man won a silver medal in the m     51       1 500 m short track speed skating (短道速滑)at the Sochi Winter Olympics. It was also China's first medal at Sochi. Han was lucky b     52      he was able to compete with his childhood hero Victor An in the final and beat him. Victor An is a famous South Korean skater. He now competes f     53      Russia. Eight years ago when Han just e     54 the field (行业),An had won several medals at the Turin Winter Olympics. It made the y     55     Han admire him very much. "Victor An is my h     56     " said Han. "I have been imitating him for years but I hope to beat him." When the c     57     finally came Han said he was a little bit nervous. It was his first Winter Olympics after all. But he didn't think about it much. "I just t     58     my best to compete." Finally he got the silver and An got the bronze (铜牌)."The silver medal gives me g      59     confidence " said Han. "It tells me that I'm no w     60      than the world's best players. I'll do better in the following competitions."

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 51. men's 52. because 53. for   54. entered 55. young 56. hero   57. chance   58. tried 59. great    60. worse