早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


完形填空:I have 1 good friends.They are Jane and Rick.I am
from China,
but they 2 .
They are both from America
.Oh,they are 3 .Jane is 12
years old .I am 14 years old.And Rick is 14 years old,4 .5 and I can look after(照看) our things .What about Rick?
Yeah,Rick can not look after(照看)his things.Look,this is 6 room.It's in a mess(一团糟).Many 7 are on the
desks.They are notebooks,CDs,8,
pens and pencils.It's 8 o'clock in the morning.Rick is in 9.It's
Sunday.He doesn't 10 .Oh,what's under the bed?He likes
playingthe guitar.His soccer ball is 11 the
floor.Can he play soccer?12 ,
but not very well.What's that under the sofa?It's 13
of his socks.Where's the other one?
We 14 see it .Rick 15
to ask his parents to find it,I think.
B.three C.four D.five 2.A.are B.aren’t C.do
B.brothers C.mother and
son D.sister and brother 4.A.too
B.either C.also D.to
B.Rick C.Jane D.Mary
6.A.my B.your C.her
7.A.books B.pens C.thing D.things 8.A.video tape B.video tapes C.videos tape D.videos tapes
9.A.sofa B.bed C.bookcase D.dresser
10.A.go to school B.go to bed C.go home
D.go to work
11.A.at B.under
C.on D.in 12..A.Yes
B.No C.Sorry D.Or
B.two C.one D.any
14.A.am B.doesn’t C.can D.can't
15.A.go B.needs C.need D.take
完形填空:Mr Smith 1 from London.Now he is in China.He is 2 .He teaches
3 a middle school.He works very hard.His
students like 4 very much.He can 5 a little Chinese .His students often teaches
him Chinese 6 Sundays.Mr Smith likes playing football .He
often plays football 7 his students.
Mr Smith 8 a
son.His name is Jack.He is student.He studies in a middle school.He goes to
school 9 a bike
everyday.He gets back home at four in the afternoon.He likes 10 TV in the evening.
( )1.A.come B.comes C.are D.coming ( )2.A.a teacher B.a worker C.a driver D.a farmer
( )3.A.on
B.in C.at D.from (
)4.A.he B.him C.she D.her
( )5.A.say B.
speak C.talk D.tell ( )6.A.at B.
on C.of D.in
( )7.A.for B.
to C.with D.at
( )8.A.has B.have C.there is D.
there are
( )9.A.on B.
by C.in D.of ( )10.A.seeing B.looking C.watching D.looking at