早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



Jim: Good morning Mr. Tiger. My name is Jim and I’m 61.        reporter from China Daily.

Uh I am a little nervous. This is the first time I have spoken to a tiger. May I ask you some


Mr. Tiger: Sure. Take it easy. I won’t attack you though I’m 62.       (power).

Jim: Um good ... Now would you like to tell me how long you have been living in the zoo?

Mr. Tiger: Yeah I came here let me see six years ago. I used to 63.        (live) in a forest but

people there cut down all the trees and I had to move. There were cities and people everywhere

so I had no place 64.       (go). The police came and took me to the zoo.

Jim: Do you like living in the zoo?

Mr. Tiger: Well it’s not 65.         good as being free. That’s for sure. But at least I have food

and friends.

Jim: I see. If you could say something to all the humans in the world what would you tell them?

Mr. Tiger: I would tell them to live 66.         peace with each other. And don’t kill animals to

make clothes any more—when I see people 67.      (wear) animal furs at the zoo I get really

angry. A law should be made to provide 68.         (protect) for us.

Jim: In fact a lot 69.     (do) to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered nowadays.

Mr. Tiger: I’m glad to hear that. I’d appreciate 70.        if you could spread the news at once.

Jim: I will Mr. Tiger.


61.a  62.powerful  63.live  64.to go  65.as/so 

66.in  67.wearing  68.protection  69.is being done  70.it