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                                 Western New Bridge Library Announcement
     Shortened Library Hours for Spring Break
     Library Hours have been shortened to 7hours a day ( 9:00am-4:00pm)for Spring Break from March 21 to March 30.
Coming Events
     On Monday March 21 at 10:30 am Scott Sutton a children's writer will tell stories to kids over seven. Sutton's attractive style will surely inspire everyone present!  
     At l:00pm on March 23 the Georgetown musicians will present an Irish folk concert which will be entertaining for the entire family. Come for the music and stay to check out some relevant(相关的) books for the rest of the week!  
     On Thursday March 24 at 2:00pm the annual Children's Gathering will take place in Room 201 the second-floor. Pick up an invitation in the Children's Room and return your RSVP( 回复) to reserve your seat at the table by 3:00pm on Wednesday day March 23. Only children are allowed in the gathering.  
     At 10:30 am on Friday March 25 Enzo Monfre of the kids' science show ENZOology will bring Fossils live! Surely Enzo will take the audience back in time deep beneath the surface of the earth to uncover the mysteries of killer dinosaurs and more Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show -come and see him at the library!Please note: In case that there is emergency please call the Help Desk at 926-3736 and follow the procedures outlined on the voice message. The call-down service is staffed 24 hours a day 7 days a week for emergencies. The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year round! For questions about all these please contact hld@wnbl. org
    Come for the great Fun; Stay for the relevant Books!
1. To attend the annual Children's Gathering one has to ____.
A. buy a ticket                    
B. apply in advance
C. make a reservation      
D. contact the call-down service
2. According to the passage Enzo Monfre will ____.
A. show the children around a zoo
B. tell stories to children over seven
C. be present at the science show in person
D. lead the children to the Ellen DeGeneres Show
3. We can learn from the passage that children can ____.
A. attend all the activities with their parents
B. borrow some relevant books for the activities
C. participate in the activities from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
D. choose only one of the activities according to their interest
1-3: CCB

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