早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



二、听录音,补全下列对话。(听两遍) (10分)

1. A: Excuse me how can I ____ to the bookshop?

  B: You can ____ along this ____ . And then ____ on Moon Street.

  A: Thanks a lot.

2. A: What's ____ with you?

  B: I have a ____ I feel cold.

  A: Let me ____ . You have a fever.

  B: What should I do doctor?

  A: You should take some ____ and have a ____ .

  B: Thank you doctor.

二、 1. A: Excuse me how can I get to the bookshop? B: You can go along this street. And then turn left on Moon Street. A: Thanks a lot. 2. A: What's wrong with you? B: I have a headache. I feel cold.  A. Let me check. You have a fever. B: What should I do doctor? A: You should take some medicine and have a rest. B: Thank you doctor.(1. get go street turn left   2. wrong headache check medicine rest)