早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) Greet and Introduce yourself (your name,where are you from,your hobby)
2) Are you excited(高兴)about starting out a college?
3) What’s you favorite subject in the college?
2 Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) Do you enjoying talking on the phone?
2) Do you spend a lot of time on the phone?
3) Say some advantages(优点) or disadvantages(缺点) of mobile phone.
3 Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) What do your parents do?
2) What’s your parents’ interest(兴趣)?
3) How different were your parents’ childhoods to yours?For example:food,clothing and transportation(交通).
4.Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) What’s your plan for the winter holiday?For example:travelling,do some part-time job and visiting relatives.
2) How do you spend the Spring Festival(春节)?Are there any Special celebrations (特别的庆祝方式) or customs in your hometown?
5.Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) The place you want to travel most and why
2) Describe the local scenery:natural scenery(自然风光)and cultural landscape(文化景观).
Natural scenery:low mountains(丘陵),spring(瀑布),forests(森林),valley(峡谷),lake(湖泊).
Cultural landscape:temple(寺庙),tower(塔),bridge(桥),museum(博物馆) ,tomb(园陵).
1Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) Greet and Introduce yourself (your name,where are you from,your hobby)
2) Are you excited(高兴)about starting out a college?
3) What’s you favorite subject in the college?
2 Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) Do you enjoying talking on the phone?
2) Do you spend a lot of time on the phone?
3) Say some advantages(优点) or disadvantages(缺点) of mobile phone.
3 Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) What do your parents do?
2) What’s your parents’ interest(兴趣)?
3) How different were your parents’ childhoods to yours?For example:food,clothing and transportation(交通).
4.Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) What’s your plan for the winter holiday?For example:travelling,do some part-time job and visiting relatives.
2) How do you spend the Spring Festival(春节)?Are there any Special celebrations (特别的庆祝方式) or customs in your hometown?
5.Working in pairs and act out the conversation
1) The place you want to travel most and why
2) Describe the local scenery:natural scenery(自然风光)and cultural landscape(文化景观).
Natural scenery:low mountains(丘陵),spring(瀑布),forests(森林),valley(峡谷),lake(湖泊).
Cultural landscape:temple(寺庙),tower(塔),bridge(桥),museum(博物馆) ,tomb(园陵).
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