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初一英语题,急急急。。在线 等 兆分感谢
This book makes us realize that space __________ was __________ possible.
A. exploration ; true
B. exploration ; truly
C. explore ; truly
D. explorer ; truly

To us students, I think study is __________ more important than anythingelse.
A. very
B. much
C. quite
D. many

Parents oftentell their children __________ go swimming
A. to; lonely
B. to; alone
C. not to ; alone
D. not to ; lonely

Stay away from junk food, please. It's bad for us, __________ for children !
A. recently
B. especially
C. probably
D. nearly

" Write__________ and try not to make any mistakes, " the teacher said to us.
A. as careful as possible
B. as carefully as you can
C. most careful
D. more careful

In the piano contest, my brother didn't play well and I did __________.

A. very well
B. much better
C. very good
D. even worse

27、(2009 江苏扬州)
-Was Henry late for the concert yesterday?
-No. He got there even ten minutes __________ than us two.

A. earlier
B. earliest
C. later
D. latest

(2012 江苏无锡) Man's understanding of nature is developing __________. Itnever stays at the same level.
A. at the right time
B. for the first time
C. from time to time
D. all the time

(2013江苏无锡前洲中学12月反馈练习) He has many hobbies, __________drawing, swimming and so on.
A. for example
B. such as
C. so as
D. such

Amy makesfewer mistakes than Frank. She does her homework __________.
A. more carefully
B. more carelessly
C. more careful
D. more careless
21~25 BBCBB
26~30 DADBA

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