早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Now I begin to prepare for my English test.求检查语法错误
Now I begin to prepare for my English test.Except doing some exercise,I also recite words.Every day after dinner I always try to read some CBC news on the internet,it’s also good for me to enrich my vocabulary.At the same time I also read novels.Hope I can keep going.
Now I begin to prepare for my English test.Except doing some exercise,I also recite words.Every day after dinner I always try to read some CBC news on the internet,it’s also good for me to enrich my vocabulary.At the same time I also read novels.Hope I can keep going.
Now I begin to prepare for my English test.【besides】I do some exercise,I also recite 【 the 】words.Every day after dinner I always try to read some CBC news on the internet,it’s also good for me to enrich my vocabulary.At the same time I also read 【the】 novels.Hope I can keep going
会的快回答1.用音序查字法查“乃”字,先查字母,再查音节;用部首查字法查“乃”字,应查部,再查画. 2020-05-13 …
按部首查字法填空虚:查部函:查部渠:查部疏:查部矗:查部凸:查部鄙:查部美:查部丢:查部聚:查部黝 2020-06-04 …
“勉励“的“勉“用音序查字法.应该先查(),再查();用部首查字法,应先查(),“勉励“的“勉“用 2020-06-13 …
“饶”字是()结构。用音序查字法查音序(),用部首查字法先查()部,再查(“饶”字是()结构。用音 2020-06-13 …
我会查。在字典中查找“膝”字,用部首查字法,先查()部,再查()画。在字典中查找“饶”字,用音序查 2020-06-19 …
戈,巫,昙用什么方法查字典最好?1.部首查字法()字,先查部首(),再查()画.2.数笔画查字法查 2020-06-21 …
谁帮我查查字典啊?"及"字用音序查字法查大写字母();用部首查字发查()部,再查()画.『备注』部 2020-06-25 …
“荠”用拼音查字法,应先查音序(),再查音节().“榆”用部首查字法,应先查“荠”用拼音查字法,应 2020-06-28 …
形声字用偏旁怎么查字1.形声字查(),不查()2.上下都是部首的,查(),不查()3.左右都是部首 2020-07-11 …
NowIbegintoprepareformyEnglishtest.求检查语法错误NowIbegi 2020-10-30 …