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用过去时态改写下面的短文.(请把can 或者can’t去掉)
we can ride through Lion
Land.Then we can watch
birds in Bird
Park,because there is a
show there.After that,we can stand near Monkey Mountain
and see the monkeys.We can also give the monkey some bananas.
Next we can drive to Hippo Pool.But we can’t feed the hippos,it’s too dangerous.At last we can see zebras at Zebra Zoo.
we rode through Lion
Land.Then we watched
birds in Bird
Park,because there was a
show there.After that,we stood near Monkey Mountain
and saw the monkeys.We also gave the monkey some bananas.
Next we drove to Hippo Pool.But we fed the hippos,it was too dangerous.At last we saw zebras at Zebra Zoo.

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