早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


36.The cake is ___________ the shape of a heart.
A.in B.from C.up D.of
37.To know the exact meaning of the word,you have to ___________ the dictionary.
A.consult B.ask C.service D.remove
38.Six theatre companies have been ___________ to take part in this year’s festival.
A.choose B.choosing C.selecting D.selected
39.These factories will take every possible ___________to reduce pollution.
A.way B.message C.measure D.suggestion
40.The program is _____ to help people who have been out of work for a long time.
A.connected B.designed C.involved D.consulted
41.We Chinese are famous for our ________ and hospitality
A.generous B.general C.generosity D.generally
42 We believe _______ a good habit not to spit in public.
A.it be B.it’s C.it D.its
43.Is studying ______ good for the young teenagers?
A.foreign B.abroad C.overseas D.board
44.Out of the classroom ______ the students,full of joy.
A.runing B.runs C.running D.ran
45.Listen carefully.Your mind was _______
A.going B.walking C.wandering D.coming
46.She became healthier since she _______ up yoga.
A.put B.made C.took D.caught
47.The rock song is too noisy.Can you put _______ some light music?
A.up B.on C.in D.off
48.No sooner had we reached the station _____ the train left.
A.then B.until C.when D.than
49.The two parties have agreed ______ discussing this again next week.
A.for B.with C.to D.on
50.Mother Teresa devoted her life to _____ the poor.
A.help B.helping C.have help D.helps
36-40 AADCB
41-45 CCBBC
46-50 CBDDB
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