早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



36. The _________(major) of the students in our class are crazy about.

37. The boy said even _______ (invite) he wouldn’t go to the party.

38. The question is _______ will take the place of him to manage the company..

39. Though they are twins they differ _____ each other in many ways.

40. My father likes basketball ______ my mother likes music.

41. As the wages were low there were few ______ (apply) for the job.

42. Everyone in the village is very friendly. It doesn’t matter ______ you have lived in there for a short or a long time.

43. There is not much _______(differ) in price between the two computers.

44. The workers want the boss to give a ________ (reason) explanation for reducing their pay.

45. We cannot emphasize the __________(important) of learning English.


36. majority      37. invited      38. who       39. from        40. while

41. applications   42. whether    43. difference   44. reasonable   45. importance