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Failure,they say is the best teacher. We learn and have more confidence in what we know through trial and error which onetime or another has   36  failure. You don’t have to  37  your failure if what you really want to achieve is  38  .

   For every  39  achievement there have been one or more failures. But those who we call successful are those who  40  to accept failure and believe success is the other side of failure. The incandescent light (白炽灯) was  41  after 1 000 failures. If Thomas Edison had  42  after he tried 100 times without the desired result what would have been the  43   of such effort?

   Any time you see products and new inventions think in terms of failures that are not accepted. 44  everything in a microform (微缩过程) today is a result of failure not accepted.

   Any time your effort is not bringing a(n)  45  result you don’t have to call it a failure. Call it a challenge. What is the  46  between the two? One is negative the other is  47 ; one demotivates the other motivates.

   What you need is positive thinking and motivation to  48  success. Failure is an end thing; 49  is an open thing. Failure means there is no way out no alternative but a challenge is a question mark  50  another way out of the situation an alternative  51  to the problem.

   Keep dreaming keep moving; that is the solution to success.

   A wise man once said if you cannot fly run. If you cannot  52   walk. If you cannot walk crawl; just keep moving. If you fall down you have to  53  and start moving. If not other people will step on you towards their  54  . What you call failure and  55  is what someone will step into with just a little additional effort to reach achievement.

36. A. come from        B. resulted in             C. resulted from   D. come across

37. A. deny                      B. receive                   C. accept        D. gain

38. A. dreams                   B. imaginations     C. barriers               D. success

39. A. successful                B. creative                 C. difficult           D. important

40. A. prepare                   B. try                          C. refuse               D. attempt

41. A. used                        B. discovered              C. found      D. invented

42. A. forgot                     B. stopped                  C. regretted           D. succeeded

43.A.meaning          B.importance      C result          D cause

44. A. Moreover         B. Therefore              C. However      D. Otherwise

45. A. desired          B. imagined           C. poor                 D. final

46. A. similarity                  B. characteristic         C. relationship    D. difference

47. A. reasonable              B. meaningful              C. positive           D. beneficial

48. A. achieve                    B. enjoy                   C. miss                D. avoid

49. A. chance                     B. motivation              C. challenge         D. effort

50. A. reflecting                 B. asking                     C. suggesting       D. offering

51. A. response                  B. key                         C. entrance          D. solution

52. A. rise                       B. fly                        C. run                D. stand

53. A. lie flat                      B. get up                     C. sit still             D. run away

54. A. advantage                B. destination             C. achievement   D. strength

55. A. quit                         B. hate                        C. prefer              D. continue
