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March 21 is World Sleep Day. How’s your sleep recently?

The Chinese Medical Doctor Association asked 8 200 people in China about their sleep. More than 36.3 percent of them said they often sleep badly. The study also finds that many students have only 5 hours of sleep a day. According to the US National Sleep Foundation teenagers need 8.5 to 9 hours of sleep every night.

What cuts into their sleeping time? Homework. Also school starts early in the morning. But bad sleeping habits also play a role.

Do you like to have a look at your mobile phone before going to bed? The survey finds that 60 percent of people check their phones before they sleep. They read news check their WeChat (微信) and micro blog(博客) messages or chat with QQ friends.

It’s important for us to get enough sleep. If we can't get enough sleep we'll feel sleepy and think slowly. And sleepy kids are often unhappy says a study by the US National Sleep Foundation.

We can’t change our school time. But there are still ways to get better sleep. Stay away from soda coffee and tea at night. They make it hard to sleep well. Leave your mobile phone and computer on your desk. Watch less TV.

Look at these numbers in the box. They are glycemic indexes (血糖生成指数). The bigger the number is the better that food can help you to get better sleep.

1.How many hours of sleep do teenagers need every night according       to the passage?

A. About 12 hours                    B. About 9 hours

C. About 4 hours                    D. About 5 hours

2. Many students can’t get enough sleep because       .

A. they play sports too much and feel tired

B. they use mobile phones during the day time

C. they drink too much soda coffee and tea at night

D. they have too much homework and bad sleeping habits

3.When people can’t get enough sleep they may       .

A. feel sleepy and unhappyB. go to bed earlier next day

C. change their school timeD. go to work late next day

4.In the passage if you want to get better sleep you should       .

A. chat with your friends                B. eat the right food

C. put your phone beside you             D. be away from food like dates





