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I take a deep breath cross my fingers and step forward. Am I 36 to take the leap before bungee-jumping?  37  I’m about to cross the road on my way to work.

There have been a few articles in the press over the last couple of months about “Chinese-style road crossing”. The definition of this 38 is “a large number of people jaywalking(乱穿马路)together because they feel 39 in a big group. ”

Crossing the road is a simple task but sometimes it can be time-consuming and dangerous. It can be 40 to try and rush across the road whilst the red 41 is still lit; it’s only a short distance what’s the 42 that can happen?

Many pedestrians don’t seem to understand the 43 they are taking. If the light’s on green then most drivers won’t pay attention  44 that no one will be crossing the road. If the driver does notice it’s possible that they may not have the 45 stopping distance to be able to stop 46 hitting the person.

Also stepping out on to a road at the wrong 47 causes vehicles to slow down meaning the cars behind them have to slow down creating a 48 effect possibly even a long tailback(车辆长队).

 49  it can be difficult to stick to the rules when there is 50 pedestrian-friendly crossings and it seems that drivers don’t follow the rules either. Even if the green man is showing cars are still allowed to turn right at many lights often turning into large crowds of people 51 crossing the road. Many times these cars don’t slow down meaning pedestrians have to quickly move out of the way. It also means that people 52 cross the road when they should be allowed to—maybe this is a motivating factor for so-called jaywalkers.

Driving a car doesn’t mean you have more rights. It’s a privilege and with that privilege comes a lot of 53 . It doesn’t seem completely 54 to punish pedestrians for taking matters into their own hands on a road system that’s designed against them. A rethink of the way pedestrian crossing work and driver education may 55 a stop to “Chinese-style road crossing”.

36. A. bound            B. about        C. devoted          D. eager

37. A. Yes              B. No           C. Then         D. However

38. A. word         B. name     C. phrase           D. term

39. A. great            B. happy        C. safe             D. strong

40. A. tempting                     B. interesting

C. exciting                             D. shocking

41. A. boy              B. man          C. girl             D. woman

42. A. worse            B. worst        C. better           D. best

43. A. risk             B. lift         C. light            D. road

44. A. hoping                           B. believing

C. guessing                         D. assuming

45. A. required                         B. requested

C. suggested                            D. allowed

46. A. before           B. after            C. when         D. while

47. A. direction        B. time         C. place            D. speed

48. A. knock-up                     B. knock-on

C. knock-down                       D. knock-back

49. A. On the one hand              B. On the other hand

C. On the contrary                      D. On this occasion

50. A. a lot of                         B. a great deal of

C. a lack of                            D. a number of

51. A. safely       B. slowly           C. worriedly        D. legally

52. A. can’t       B. shouldn’t       C. won’t           D. mustn’t

53. A. responsibility                   B. possibility

C. personality                          D. reality

54. A. severe       B. mild         C. fair             D. unjust

55. A. add          B. put              C. set              D. attach
